- Adrenal Glands
- Apothecary
- Argentus' Fury
- Assault Cannon
- Assault Leap
- Assault Squad
- Assault Squad Sergeant
- Avitus
- Bane of Fiends
- Black Rage
- Blade of Ulyus
- Bringer of Devastation
- Brother's Keeper
- Campaign Wargear
- Chant of Resolve
- Chant of Victory
- Chaos Lord
- Chaos Marine
- Combat Shotgun
- Commander
- Corrosive Claws
- Crusader's Zeal
- Cyclone Missile Launcher
- Cyrus
- Dawn of War II
- Dawn of War II Wiki
- Deadly Jump
- Deathdealer
- Deff Dread
- Deff Dredd
- Deliverance
- Devasator Heavy Plasma Squad
- Devastator Heavy Bolter Squad
- Dreadnought
- Dreadnought Assault Cannon
- Drop Pod
- Earsplitter
- Eldar
- Eldar Ranks
- Executioner of Heretics
- Farseer
- Feeder Tendrils
- Flamer
- Flesh Hooks
- Flesh Tearer's Pride
- Foe Smiter
- Force Commander
- Furious Absolution
- Gladius of Tenacity
- Growling Hate
- Guardian Squad
- Guardian of Faith
- Guidelines
- Heavy Bolter
- Heavy Flamer
- Hellfire Pistol
- Herald of the Coming Doom
- Hive Tyrant
- Hormagaunt Brood
- Improved Bolt Pistol
- Improved Bolter
- Improved Chainsword
- Improved Heavy Bolter
- Infiltrate (Tyranid)
- Kommando Nob
- Last Stand
- Left Hand of Gabriel
- Lictor
- Lictor Alpha
- Loner
- Master Crafted Bolt Pistol
- Master Crafted Bolter
- Master Crafted Chainsword
- Master Crafted Heavy Bolter
- Mekboy
- Menacing Visage
- Merciful Extermination of Sin
- Missile Launcher
- Neverending Hail of Destruction
- Nob Squad
- Orbital Bombardment
- Ork
- Ork Killer
- Ork Ranks
- Ork Render
- Pheromone
- Pheromone Cloud
- Pistol of Baal
- Pistol of Terra
- Plasma Gun
- Power
- Power Node
- Predator
- Purge of Victory Bay
- Ravener Alpha
- Razorback
- Relic Bolt Pistol
- Relic Bolter
- Relic Chainsword
- Relic Heavy Bolter
- Requisition
- Requisition Point
- Retreat
- Righteous Wisdom
- Rising Fury
- Scourge of Xenos
- Scout Sergeant
- Scout Squad
- Scything Talons
- Shotgun
- Snarl of the Wolf
- Sniper Rifle
- Space Marine
- Space Marines Ranks
- Spore Mines
- Stalker Boltgun
- Stalwart Companion
- Stronghold
- Superior Bolt Pistol
- Superior Bolter
- Superior Chainsword
- Superior Heavy Bolter
- Suppression
- Tactical Squad
- Tactical Squad Sergeant
- Tarantula Turret
- Tarkus
- Tartarus
- Techmarine
- Termagaunt Brood
- Terminator Armour
- Terminator Armour Assault Cannon
- Terminator Armour Heavy Flamer
- Terminator Assault Squad
- Terminator Squad
- Terrify
- Terror of Xenos
- Thaddeus
- The Blighted Bolter
- The Chorus of Zeal
- The Commander
- The Lion's Roar
- The Mercy of the Wise
- This shit is gay
- ToDo
- Toxic Burst
- Toxic Cysts
- Toxin Sacs
- True Companion
- Tyranid
- Unforgiving Truth
- Valhalla's Teeth
- Valorous
- Venerable Dreadnought
- Victory Point
- Warboss
- Wargear
- Wargear: Sanguine Chainsword
- Wargear : Iron Halo
- Wargear : Master Crafted Bolt Gun
- Wargear : Plasma Gun
- Wargear : Power Axe
- Wargear : Power Fist
- Wargear : Power Sword
- Wargear : Refractor Field
- Wargear : Sacred Standard
- Wargear : Storm Shield
- Wargear : Terminator Armour
- Wargear : Thunder Hammer
- Warlock
- Warp Spider Exarch
- Warrior Brood
- Weapons Engraved Quotes
- Wraithguard
- Xenosplitter
- Zoanthrope